Important Notice
Drs Van Dyk and Partners is an independent Radiology Practice and accounts are invoiced separately from that of your referring doctor or hospital.

- Accounts are billed at standard private rates.
- A discounted fee will apply if the account is settled on the day of the procedure.
- In-hospital patients will receive a discount if their account is paid on the day of discharge.
- Patients contracted with insurance companies – accounts payable on the day of procedure.
- Non SA residents – accounts payable on the day of procedure.

- If you are a member of a Medical Aid Scheme you must provide proof of membership when making an appointment.
- We charge Medical Aid Rates for most procedures.
- Accounts will be submitted on your behalf to a Medical Aid Scheme [if in good standing] but you remain responsible for the settlement of your account.
- Please review your medical plan to confirm whether a co-payment will apply and if your procedure will be covered by your Medical Aid Scheme.
- In the case of your benefits being depleted your account will have to be settled immediately.
- Pre-Authorisation is required for certain procedures and it is your responsibility to obtain the authorisation.
NB: Pre-authorisation is no guarantee of payment and you will remain responsible for the settlement of your account.

Payments can be made via debit card, credit card, samba or electronic fund transfer [EFT].
EFT Banking details:
Bank: ABSA
Branch Number: 632005
Bank Name: Drs Van Dyk and Partners Inc
Account Number: 1570 165 182
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
NB: Always use your Invoice Number as the reference number. Invoice number starts with either J, ER, V or A. Example: J1234567 [7 digits]